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Depression Treatment

Read about depression, its causes & treatment

Arrhythmia - Causes & Treatment

By genelia at 2010-01-11 23:42:04
An arrhythmia is an abnormality of heart rhythm or heart rate in which the rhythm is irregular or the rate is excessively slow or fast.An arrhythmia occurs when the normal electrical cycle of the heart is disturbed. Normally, tiny currents activate the upper part of the heart, just before the bottom part of the heart, which are the muscular chambers that pump blood around the body.

The common Causes of Arrhythmias :

It can be caused by heart disease or high blood pressure.Stress, caffeine, smoking, alcohol, pregnancy, and some medications can also cause an arrhythmia.The arrhythmia may be caused by a congenital heart defect (a heart problem from birth).

Complaints such as lightheadedness, dizziness, quivering, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, heart fluttering or pounding, and forceful or painful extra beats are commonly reported with a variety of arrhythmias.

A few types of irregularities are as follows:


A healthy heart produces electrical impulses on its own. If you need a pacemaker, it is likely because your heart does not produce these electrical impulses fast enough or conduct the electricity through the heart muscle quickly enough to keep your heart going at the right rate.An artificial pacemaker is an electronic device placed under the skin on the chest. It helps the heart maintain a regular beat, especially when the heart beats too slowly.

Fish oils - the omega 3 have been proven beneficial as treatments to mild cases. The fish oils help stabilize cardiac cell membranes thus helping in the regulation of heart signals.

Flax seed oil - this also contains omega 3 fatty acids

Indeed, no less an authority than the American Heart Association now recommends all adults with a family history of heart disease to take in at least 1 gram (1,000 mg) of the omega 3 fats, DHA and EPA, per day.

Before your heart gets desperate enough to need drugs or surgery, look to the risk factors you can control. Don’t smoke; control your cholesterol as best as possible so that plaque never gets a chance to clog your arteries, although the body produces cholesterol itself so in some cases tight control of your cholesterol level is extremely difficult; and exercise regularly, most days in a week, to keep your heart muscles healthy.

Avoid fried foods, hydrogenated oils and margarine (the ‘bad fats’ – also see section on cholesterol).Have a high fibre diet low in animal fat.

The researchers concluded that omega-3 fatty acids positively affected heart rate variability thus having a protective effect on heart function. These finding were similar to those of earlier studies showing that omega-3 positively affects heart rhythm in patients who had suffered a previous heart attack.

Fish oil supplements or other food products to which omega-3 fatty acids have been added do not prevent heart disease in people without a history of heart disease and have questionable beneficial effects in people with a history of heart disease.

To ensure a healthy heart and minimize your risk of heart disease and stroke, try Organic Kamut Blend. The ultimate wheatgrass juice from the ancient kamut plant, blened with other valuable cereal grasses-oatgrass, and alfalfa.

Read about Depression Treatment, and also read about headache nausea and migraine headaches causes
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